Add Music to your Property Website | Rela

How ToAdd Music to your Property Website

Add music to your single property website to set the vibe!


You can access the Music section of the Property Editor by clicking on the Music link in the property editor menu.


Rela provides you with a stock set of music that you can use on your property website. In addition, you have the ability to upload your own MP3 files to your personal music library.

To add the music to your property website simply click the + Add button to the right of the track you would like to add. You can toggle between Rela's library of music and your custom music under MY MUSIC. 

The microphone icon indicates that this track has vocals. You can preview the music track by clicking the Play icon to the left of each track.

Once the music has been added to the site, it will show at the top in the Current Track box. You can remove the music by clicking the - Remove button to the right of the current track.


You can upload MP3 files from your computer to your property website by clicking the + Upload Music button.
Give your music file a title, description, and whether it contains vocals or not. Click the Choose File button to select the MP3 from your computer and then click the Upload button. Finally, click the Upload Music button at the bottom of the form.

Note: Rela is not responsible for any copyright infringement of music selection. You must verify that any music added to your website is done legally.