Add Listing Details | Rela

How ToAdd Listing Details

Add a description, property details, features, and disclaimer to your single property website.

To access the details section of your property website, simply click on the Details link in the Property Editor menu. 


You are free to edit and update any of the information that was pre-populated. You're encouraged to update the description for your property website using the WYSIWYG editor. You can use bold, italics, underline, bullets, and links in your description using the buttons on the editor.


When you first create the property website, Rela will pull public information from various sources across the internet related to the property address you entered. If any information is found, Rela will automatically pre-populate the available fields such as year built, beds, baths, and square footage.


The Price field can be used in most cases. Enter the numerical value of the price in this field to show the price formatted with your selected currency on the single property website. 

The Display Price field is used when you need to override the standard Price field. You can add any value into this field. Here are a few examples of when you would use the Display Price field:

  • When you want to show  "Price Upon Request" instead of the actual price.
  • If the listing is a rental property and you want to show the price as "$1,500 per month"


You can add as many listing features as needed. You can either manually type in your custom features, or click from the quick list below the input form to quick-add features. Once you've added your features, you can drag-and-drop them into the order you'd like them displayed:


To add a general disclaimer to the footer of your property website, type or paste your text into the disclaimer field at the bottom of the form: 

A Custom disclaimer will allow you to add disclaimer that is unique and will only display on the current single property website. 

If you've added a Default disclaimer to your account, you can select the Default option from the dropdown. Setting a default disclaimer allows you to add one disclaimer to multiple properties, and makes it easy to update the disclaimer across all your properties.