Add Floorplans to your Property Website | Rela

How ToAdd Floorplans to your Property Website

Upload floorplans to display a floorplan gallery on your single property website. Easily create interactive floorplans to provide visitors with an interactive walkthrough of your listing.


To access floorplans, click the Floorplans tab at the top of the Docs & Floorplans section of the Property Editor.

Uploading floorplans will display a standard floorplan gallery on your property website. You can enhance this gallery by adding hotspots. Hotspots will display a related listing photo when hovered over. 


To upload floorplans simply drag and drop the files from your computer into the upload box or click the Add Files link at the bottom of the upload box.

Once the floorplans have uploaded, they will appear below the upload box. 

Clicking the Edit button allows you to change the Title of the floorplan. By default, the title of the floorplan will be the filename, so we recommend changing the title to something like "Floor 1" . Be sure to click the Save button after any changes. You can delete the floorplan by clicking the Delete button at the bottom-right corner of the edit screen.


Interactive floorplans are a great way to easily create an interactive walkthrough of your listing. When a user hovers over the dot on the floorplan, that image will appear showing what that space looks like. To make a floorplan interactive, click the Add Hotspots button next to the floorplan preview. This will display a larger version of the floorplan along with any hotspots you've already added. To add more hotspots, click the Add Hotspots button above the floorplan: 

Next, drag a photo to its corresponding location on the floorplan: 

Once the hotspot has been added, you can adjust the placement by drag-and-drop. You can also change the color of the hotspots by clicking the Hotspot Color button. 

The floorplans and hotspots are embedded in the property websites and allow users to interact with them by hovering over a hotspot revealing the photo associated with that spot.