Add Listing Photos | Rela

How ToAdd Listing Photos

Rela makes it easy to display your listing's photos on your single property website. We offer multiple gallery options and display types to ensure you can deliver the most engaging visual experience for your potential buyers.


Incorporating professional listing photos is an integral step in creating your single property website. To see the best results with your single property website, we always recommend using photos produced by a professional photographer. 

We automatically optimize your photos so that they will load fast and look great on desktop and mobile browsers, so we recommend that you upload high quality photos that are at least 1600 pixels wide. You should avoid using iPhone photos or photos shot with a mobile phone. These photos may look fine when viewed from a mobile device, but they don't work great for the web. Keep scrolling to learn how to upload photos and manage photos for your single property website!


To get started, head to the Photo Gallery section of the Property Editor: 

You can upload your photos by clicking Add Files button on the upload form. Once your file explorer window opens, located the folder with your photos, drag your cursor to select all of the photos you want to upload.

Once you've added your photos, they will begin to upload and process. If you are adding more than 50 large photo files at one time, it may take a few minutes to complete processing.  


After all files have been uploaded, you can preview them in the gallery grid. You can sort your photos by clicking and holding the left mouse button to drag and drop your photos into place. Sort multiple photos by clicking outside of a photo and holding the left mouse button as you move the mouse over the photos you'd like to select as a group, or by holding the CTRL key and clicking individual photos.

Once selected, the photos will light up blue to indicate that they are ready to drag into a new position.

You can also use the Sort Options from the Gallery Options dropdown to bulk sort your images using different rules and conditions. 


Type the photo description in the white box below the photo preview. This description will be displayed in the full-screen gallery that is viewable on the property website. 


You can hide or delete photos from the options dropdown on the photo preview, or with the Bulk Actions dropdown at the top of the preview grid.


Favoriting photos (indicated with the hear icon) will make it easy to access those photos in other sections of the property website builder (interactive floorplans, brochures & flyers, and video maker). Favorited photos are only for your reference and will not be displayed to visitors viewing your single property website. 


The cover photo will be displayed in as the main photo in the hero section of your single property website. The first photo in the preview grid will be designated as the cover photo, even if it is set to hidden. You can drag an drop any photo into the cover photo position.


The Virtual Tour mode in the Gallery Options drop-down will add an automatic pan-and-zoom slideshow in the hero section of your single property website. This will override the standard Cover Photo. Check out this help article to learn how to customize the settings for this slideshow


Use the Bulk Actions dropdown to hide, favorite, or delete photos in bulk.